
O!M!G! - It's already 2015! - Was bisher geschah #2 // Previously #2: Our third TOUR

uhmmm, yeah, you know we went to ESPAÑAAAAAAAA and BASQUE COUNTRY!!!
are we fucking kidding us? NO! it's really real and we can't be more happy and thankful and excited for that past opportunity! 
it was the best of times thanks to KENNY KENNY OH OH and our new superfriends JUANMA and HECTOR <3

the route:

16th sep -Valencia (la residencia)
17th sep -Madrid (rock palace)
18th sep -Getaria (gaztetxe)
19th sep -Logroño (villa truño)
20th sep -Barcelona (cso la astilla)
21th sep -Banyoles (csoa L'Estella)

just saying.
and there is so much more to say, so there's more to come. soonish ;)

Barceloneta Beach
  just representing at the beach...

Levitations representing in the rehearsal room...
 just representing in the rehearsal room...

Levitations representing the sweet death in the van...
just representing the sweet death in the van...

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